"Give Up everything when u need some thing"-a bravo
A tress passer once had interview with nigh cow .
T.P: Do u have any caste system among U.
COW: oh! What what come again!!
COW:(murmuring)what the hell this fellow talking stupid.WHat
this fellow thinking! Ididn't understand any!
T.P:WE(in emphasis),The humans are divded into different caste systems by some and followed by us.And we are given some preference.
COW:Are n't u human beings!!Do humans have any diff spiral charctersistics.I think u humans have given brain to do everything still....?? which we do't have.
T.P:Ofcourse but we are lazy enough to do all these we need them!
COW:oh! then every human is lazy??if so then y preference to some they should be given to every one.
T.P:Even still some of us do't have facilities to do every thing !!
COW:THen y did u mention about caste system,oh!! u the humans who do't have are placed in the same caste !!if it is ok as humans have brains they have to do lot work!!good good
T.P:No No No No.....I Do't exactly y we are placed in caste systems but .all ppl who are placed in similar system are not poor in facilities
T.P:(murmurring)what to say!!
COW:Do't waste my time i have to go for grazing and be within time ..please be quick in ur sayings
T.P:That is one category where some castes given preference
COW:THE higher category people have all those facilities which u have mentioned.
T.P:NO No some of them too do't have those facilities
COW:Then why do't you make them as songle category and give them what u said(aaaa..thinking as non-sense word)Reseravtion.
T.P:Who knows....ask the present government
COW:YOU worst!! U have wasted MY time in that i could have done many things !!
This conversation goes inane........but it even doen't have any life
You give hand for a person who needs it but do't pull him up ask him to pull himslef!!If he does he pulls many lives else he will go underway .
HOw many people in india require reservation.When intial the democracy was formed it was slated a reservation for those who needs it and who do't hav eproper facilities for them establish themselves in their lively manner for period of 10 yrs and still extending by the politicians for votes!It has been a surge for many years still it haven't had it's end.
NOw the government trying to mend it's reservation for central institutions which was opposed many intellectuals and furious medicos(hats-off to them) now with a slogan "Come to delhi,Save Nation"(delhi aavo ,desh bachavoe).Even there was violence .WE indians,WE youth,WE citizens,We people of India,We nation's Future,WE do whatever we like ,We need whatever WE like .
what to say more than this !!! equality to people where it is maintained.
Think Before u explore which nation builds.Think about nation future
REservation is not required if that is the case give free education to all...........
keep refreshing ur self next article comes