Answer lies within us-a forwarded message
A train blast in Mumbai kills approximately 200Indians and injureshundreds others. The reaction from the apparentSuperpower (The greatUSA) is that India must show restraint in its actionsand urges for apolitical solution to the Kashmir problem. On theother hand of theglobe in the same evening 6 Israeli soldiers arekilled and 2captured by Islamic terrorists. Israel prepares for afull frontattack on Lebanese settlements and the same superpowersays that theterrorists should be dealt with a firm and iron hand.Is it true that just because the population of Indiais more than 1billion, the value of a human life in India is thatmuch less ascompared to an American, Britiish, Israeli or anyother Europeanlife? North Korea test fires a missile and the USmoves a BattleCarrier group to the Pacific Ocean !!!!!!!!!!!. Theright to selfdefend should lie with every individual and country.It is high timethat all of us as patriotic Indians do not take thisthing lying downand ensure that each of us in their individualcapacity spread thismessage of injustice across the world.For the death of 45 British citizens in a similar bombblast lastyear, it was a world wide tragedy on CNN, while foryesterdays eventthe quote on CNN was "in their fight over disputedKashmir" the twocountries ( Pakistan & India ) should look for apolitical solution.May we all ask where was the political solution whenthe IRA wanted aseparate homeland, and closer to the date where is thepoliticalsolution in Iraq. Kashmir was, Kashmir is and Kashmirwill continueto be an integral part of our motherland. Let us allIndians pledgenot to be governed by vested intrests in US ForeignPolicy and takeour own destiny in our hands.*Please pass this mail to as many Indians as you canacross the globeand let the message of injustice spread. Not passingthe message willnot bring any bad luck or misfortune to anyindividual, just willspeak volumes about your commitment towards themotherland*
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