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Sunday, June 04, 2006

The counter discussion for previous discussion!!!

From past few days i could read some articles in hidhu ,espousl to the reservation!
Any way these are crux statemnts even i got to think over them but ultimately i could get clearly what should be the approach but still i want to put those crux points what i have read

(1)There are no previous records where there were decline of standards of education due to reservation.
(2)the second one is ainthing saying that all are thinking abt the affluence of reservation but the article argument was it is well below 50% which is a legitimate

In both cases i disagree
for the first case
Consider top colleges and low standard colleges on what basis we could say those are of les standrds??
let me clear that point it is all becuase of students,you may think there might be infrastructure but i disagree with that it comes automatically when affluence of students in that college
When some creamy layer has chosen soem college it gets excelled in overall but the about other colleges next cramy goes like that........if reservation exists most then the creamy layer decreses so the standards of institue decreases there quality decreases.
Let me put one example which i have personally encountered
1 year go i went one counseling accompanying my friend ,there i met one of his friend he so relaxed that he couldn't bother on any thing according to his rank he is not even eligible for counselling but as he has reservation ....ok fine
He saying to all his freind so witty kind that he no need to worry on any as he had reservation he is not going to loose a single rupee because of counseeling as the government it self affording his al expenses like canlce fee(cancelling seat),counsellling fee,college fee.Even he will get some monaey to his hand after all those,I am not pointing here his attitude or against reserving now comes my point
There is nothing wrong in providing such facilites to him but do you think all students can afford that much !
no no no ..........
WE should make them study but we can't make them study!!

COming to second point ok i agreed that it is less that 50% but do u think that constitution provided 50% for it's citizens forever??Do ambedkar said that?? IT was slated that the reservation should be kept till we achive our goals and it should not prolonged .but if these politicians exists do u think we can achive these goals 50 % can make much impact.

i could see yesterday one paper in that china had finishes their project 1year ahead of their planning ,when do it happen in INDIA ,can it possible with these politicains

If reservation exists there will be less perservance in fields of work


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