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Sunday, August 13, 2006

Corruption Quit India, Aug 9th 1942 - 2006: Join us for RTI protest

Dear friends,Do you remember being filled with pride when people praise India forbeing the largest functioning democracy in the world?Do you remember hanging your head in shame when people ridicule India'sreputation as one of the most corrupt nations?If you answered yes to one or both of the above questions, then youshould ACT NOW.India Needs Your Voice to be Heard.Why, What is Wrong?A landmark and progressive Right to Information (RTI) Act, passed bythe Indian parliament in October 2005, had ushered in a new hope for anation under seige by the corrupt public officials. The enthusiastic useof the RTI Act by the citizenry to reveal scores of illegeal dealingsby the public authorities, promised the beginning of an era of trueparticipatory democracy.However in an arbitrary manner, the government introduced an amendmenton July 20, 2006, that would exempt "file notings" from the purview ofthe act - which means that the identity of the guilty officials willremain concealed under the garb of secrecy. This move dashes any hopes ofaccountability and transparency in the functioning of the government,thus allowing corruption to thrive unchecked.The nation has risen to this new challenge and is fighting back - thefight back has opened a new front - Save the Right to InformationCampaign[]All of us who want the emergence of an empowered, democratic, strongIndia, free from the shackles of corruption need to raise our voices now- ONE UNITED VOICE - calling for the landmark RTI Act to be left as is.Here is how you can help:Send a FREE FAX to the Prime Minister - a petition,Call the Prime Minister's office,Send an automated email to the Prime Minister,Call your nearest Embassies,Write letters to the Editors,Get your Local groups to endorse the peition.Learn more:


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